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Easily navigate the world of print and digital distribution

Give your customers a streamlined experience from sign-up to physical delivery and digital access.

Keyboard, tablet, magazine and a smartphone on a table
Man in at suit hold a newspaper and a smartphone in his hands

Support for mixed distribution models

Are you grappling with the evolving media landscape's demands to balance print and digital offerings? Iteras is specifically designed to handle both print and digital offerings with ease, whether combined or separate. Whether you’re at the beginning or in the middle of the digital transformation, Iteras facilitates the shift from traditional print to digital media. By doing so, Iteras not only ensures customer satisfaction but also effectively reduces churn among both print and digital subscribers.

Support for print subscriptions and distribution

  • Streamlined customer flow

    Loyal customers expect a hassle-free subscription journey. Iteras helps streamline the entire process from subscriber sign-up to the digital distribution or physical delivery of newspapers and magazines.

  • Tight integration with Nordic print distributors

    Iteras makes your everyday tasks easier with seamless integration with Nordic print distributors like Dimaps and dao|Bladkompagniet. This ensures accurate delivery to subscribers, even when they are on holiday or have moved. Iteras also supports easy export of address lists for other distributors.

  • Advanced print distribution

    Beyond home or office delivery, Iteras also manages distribution to newsstands and kiosks, calculating invoicing based on sales data.

  • Efficient handling of changes and complaints

    Iteras streamlines the management of subscription and address complaints, ensuring any delays and issues are promptly addressed in the customer service UI.

"We've gone from the Stone Age to having a strong focus on the digitization of both our product and the customer journey."

— Marie Eivik | Editor at Quiltemagasinet

Woman reading on a tablet

Digital distribution

Focusing on convenience for both your digital subscribers and your employees, Iteras integrates with digital e-publishing platforms such as Prenly. We also offer a unified login for both website and digital editions, simplifying access for subscribers.

Newspaper, tablet and a cup of coffee on a couch

Combining print and digital subscriptions

While digital subscriptions offer unique business opportunities, maintaining your print subscription business is equally important. Recognizing the value of both mediums, Iteras enables you to offer print and digital bundles. This approach also allows your business to smoothly transition print subscribers to embrace digital platforms. You can easily create products and plans that encompass both print and digital formats catering to both types of customers.